
tamoadmin 0
  1. 汽车英语如何?
  2. 汽车常用用英语词汇
  3. 牛津模块一到模块四的所有英语短语,词组。
  4. 旅游英语怎么说trel
  5. “客车”和“长途客车”英语怎么写?
  6. 汽车的英文是什么?
  7. 和车有关的英语单词比如car


 1、Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners。你看那些黄的面包车,多数司机都是开自己的车。

 2、How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站


 3、Shall we take a tour to the Summer Palace,Mrs。White?我们去颐和园游览好吗?

 4、Does the morning tour visit the U。 N。 ? 上午这次旅游参观联合国总部吗?

 5、 Let me check the metre out。我察看一下计价器。

 6、But on their wedding day he was seized by the emperor's soldirs and taken to the Great Wall to work。但是在他们结婚的那天,皇帝的士兵把他抓走了,带他去修长城。

 7、Fine。 Please reserve me a seat for this Saturday。 好,请为我预订一个本周六的座位。

 8、This hall is entirely different from any of the royal courts I he seen in the west。过去我在西方看到的宫殿和这个大殿很不相同。

 9、Excuse me,is this the Gusu Trel Agency?对不起,这里是姑苏旅行社吗?

 10、We can go up to the Longevity Hill and he a broad view of all the fascinating scenes from there。我们可以上万寿山,在那儿所有的迷人景色都能一览无遗。

 11、A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere permeates the place。这地方充满着一种宁静的气氛。

 12、Please remember to come here before 11 o'clock。请记住11点前赶回来。

 13、Do you he a good business being a taxi driver?出租车生意好吗?

 14、The car is waiting at the front door of our hotel,let's set off right now。汽车已在旅馆前门等候,让我们马上出发吧。

 15、In 221 BC,in Shanxi Province there was a poor scholar。公元前221年,山西有一位穷书生。

 16、We'd like to go to Tiantan Park。我们想去天坛公园。

 17、But I'm afraid one day is not enough to see all the intetesting places。可是要看遍所有景观恐怕一天时间是不够的。

 18、This is the world-famous Forbidden city where once emperors,empresses and their families lived。这就是举世闻名的紫禁城,曾经是帝王、后妃和他们亲族居住的地方。

 19、In the subsequent dynasties,the Great Wall was rebuiltmany times。在后来的各个朝代,长城又被多次修建。

 20、I'd like to look at some trel packages to Yunnan。我想看看去云南旅行有哪些路线。

 21、Mine is 2 yuan a kilometre。我的车是 2元钱一公里。

 22、This adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take a nap before climbing the Great Wall。 这个可调式座椅非常舒服。我可以在爬长城前先睡一小觉。

 23、Now,we come to another magnificent chamber in which you can see all kinds of ancient furniture。现在,让我们来到另一个宏伟大厅,在这里你可以看到各种古老的家具。

 24、The dragon's head is beautifully modeled and is rising proudly over there。龙头塑造得非常漂亮,它高傲地在那里仰望。

 25、How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?

 26、There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead。晴空丽日,前面是婀娜多姿的树木和高楼大厦。

 27、Let's set off right away。让我们马上就动身吧。

 28、Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights。开慢点,我们好欣赏景色。

 29、 How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?

 30、Famous pine tree such as the“Flying Dragon” and the“Twin Dragons”are found there。在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。

 31、Where do I meet the bus? 我在哪儿乘车?

 32、On your right is Tiandu Feng,one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also the steepest。在你们的右边是黄山三大主峰之一的天都峰,也是最陡的一座山峰。

 33、Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week。 是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票。

 34、 It seems to be going at least 60 miles an hour。 我看至少有 60 英里的时速

 35、Please allow me to inquire about the history of this famous garden,would you?请允许我们打听一下这个花园的历史,好吗?

 36、We are deeply attracted by its interesting history。我们都被它的有趣的历史深深地吸引住了。

 37、Now,we are standing on the grounds of the imperial palace。我们现在是站在宫殿的广场上。

 38、Good morning。 The United Airlines。 What can I do for you? 早上好。美国联合航空公司。我能为您做些什嘛?

 39、Green mountains roll over one another。青山层峦叠嶂。

 40、And it was built more than 000 years ago?是在000多年前建的吗?

 41、 One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cabin Beijing。我的一个朋友告诉我说在北京很难找到出租车。

 42、These gardens are not large but curious in their de-signs。这些庭园规模不大,但设计巧妙。

 43、I reciate very much your exquisite historical culture。我欣赏到贵国许多精彩的历史文化。

 44、The Great Wall meanders from east to west for about000 kilometers or 000 li。长城从东到西蜿蜒约 000 公里,也就是1000里。

 45、According to our trelling schedule,today we're going to visit the Palace Museum。根据我们旅游日程安排,今天我们去故宫。

 46、I suppose we'd better go to famous Yu Yuan Garden which is located in the southern part of the city of Shanghai。我想我们最好去有名的豫园,它坐落在上海老城的`南端。

 47、What can I do for you,sir?先生,要我为您做什么吗?

 48、Where do you intend to take a trip today?您想到什么地方去旅游呢?

 49、The bronze-animals around the platform are all hollow。周围青铜铸成的动物都是中空的。

 50、They bring together the beauties of nature,architecture and painting。这些庭园,集自然美、建筑美和绘画美于一体。

 51、The touring cab is waiting at the opposite parking ground。旅游车正等在对面的停车站。

 52、Lush trees dot the slopes。绿树点缀山岗。

 53、What's the length of Great Wall?长城究竟有多长?

 54、That's in the all-day tour。 只有全天旅游去。

 55、To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue。到第5大街的耐克公司去。

 56、How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?

 57、Would you please tell me something about the city?你能告诉我有关这个城市的一些情况吗?

 58、Does this car belong to you?这辆车是你自己的吗?。

 59、Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout。但是来访者都被它独创性的建筑风格和奇异的布局所吸引。

 60、I'm beginning to get a better idea of the size of the place,as I'm on a higher plane。现在我站在高处开始领会到这地方有多大了。

 61、Shall we go to the top floor of the hall to he a bird's-eye view from there。我们是否到它的顶楼上去俯视一下。

 62、I'll put myself completely in your hand。我一切听从你的安排。

 63、How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?

 64、The last massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was in Ming Dynasty。长城的最后一次大规模重建是在明朝。

 65、Yes,construction of the Wall first began during the Warring states Period about 500 years ago。是的,长城最早修建于约500年前的战国时期。

 66、The summer Palace is the largest and the best pre-served of the imperial gardens in China。颐和园是中国最大也是保存得最好的花园。

 67、A few more steps will bring us to the top。再走几步我们就到顶了。

 68、 I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago。 我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。

 69、He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which means Carp's Backbone。他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背。

 70、Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept。这里保存着珍贵的文化遗迹。

 71、We're roaching Badaling and you will see the Great Wall in a short while。我们快到八达岭了,你们很快就会看到长城。

 72、This is such a lovely place。这地方令人心旷神恰。

 73、The first thing I would like to tell you is that it was constructed and built up in the Ming Dynasty。首先,我要告诉你们的是这座花园创建于明朝。

 74、What are those towers on the Wall spaced at regular distances from one another?城墙上每隔一段就有的那些塔是什么?

 75、Yes,it looks very lovely and Picturesque。是的,看起来真是可爱而且美丽如画。

 76、It is world-famous especially for its landscaped gardens。它尤其以它的园林闻名于世。

 77、 We'll walk over to the White House for a visit。我们步行到白宫参观吧。

 78、Could you give me some information about it,Miss Li?李**,你能给我们介绍一下吗?



automobile 原意为“自动车”。指以可燃气体作动力的运输车辆,也指有自身装备动力驱动的车辆。

相关例句:Germany's automobile industry is at the leading level in the world德国的汽车工业处于世界领先水平。



一、音标: 英?['?t?m?bi?l]? ? ?美?['?t?m?bi?l]? ? 





drive an automobile?开汽车

park an automobile?停放汽车

second-hand automobiles?用过的旧汽车,二手

the automobile industry?汽车工业

by automobile?乘汽车

in an automobile?乘汽车





He huddled the children into the automobile.


We jacked the automobile in order to change a tire.


There will be an exhibition of the development of automobile industry in our country next week.


The cylinder is an important part for automobile engine.




first gear 一档

second gear 二档

turbo 涡轮,增压涡轮

reverse 倒车档

two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机

diesel 柴油机

limousine 豪华轿车

drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)

racing car 赛车

saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)

roadster 敞蓬车

wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车

notchback 客货两用车

four-wheel drive 四轮驱动

front-wheel drive 前轮驱动

trailer 拖车

station wagon 小旅行车

truck 卡车

compact car 小型汽车

light-van 小型货车

garbage truck 垃圾

automobile carrier 货运卡车

fire engine 消防车

tractor 牵引车

ambulance 救护车

taxi 出租车, 计程车

trailer truck 拖车

sports car 跑车

formula car 方程式赛车,方程式汽车

mail car 邮车

jeep 吉普车

bloodmobile 血浆车

bumper car 碰撞用汽车

camper 露营车

police car 警车

wrecker 清障车



turntable molding machine


air jarring moulding machine


box molding machine


die casting machine


hot-chamber die casting machine










一个令人愉快、令人兴奋的经历an enjoyable and exciting experience

对上课时间感到很满意子be very hy with the school hours

某人在一起感觉很自在be at ease with ***.

和某人讨论某事discuss sth. with ***.

做某事的最好的办法 the best way to do sth.

赢得他人尊重 earn respect from others

听起来像我在中国的学sound like my school in China

为某事感谢某人thank ***. for sth.

注意某事pay attention to sth.

要求某人做某事require *** to do sth.

在学期末at the end of term

达到目标 achieve one’s goals

参加***attend assembly

获得高分achieve high grades

在过去的一年里in the past year

在午饭时间at lunchtime

免费给某人发E-mail E-mail ***. for free

放弃一些学科 drop some subjects

学校的操场上玩play on the school field

在树下休息relax under a tree

想起某人think of ***

体验这种不同的生活方式experience this different way of life

通常大小,正常规模the erage size

把某物捐献给某人 donate sth. To ***.

查字典 refer to the dictionary

从大学毕业 graduate from college

住在某人隔壁live next door to ***

有了做某事的兴趣 develop an interest in doing sth.

发现某人很难取悦 find *** hard to please

在这种情况下 in this case

不止一个答案 more than one answer

跟校长一起开会he a meeting with the headmaster

做决定 make decisions

把……同……作比较compare … with …

轮流 take turns to do sth

把某事通知某人inform ***. of sth.

吸引读者注意catch the eye of the reader

向某人朗读某物 read sth. out loud to ***.

listen to ***. talking about sth.听某人谈某物

提出自己的看法 come up with your own ideas


为…所共有 common to

调高声音, 出现 turn up

浪费 a waste of

不再 no more

空余时间 spare time

强迫(某人)做 force….to…

迫不及待地要 can’t wait to..

本应该,被期望 be supposed to

处置, 忍受 需要 do with

乱成一团 be a mess/ in a mess

委托 …..负责 lee *** in charge

行为举止象 … act like

不受惩罚 go unpunished

熄灭 go out

双臂交叉抱在胸前 he one’s arm crossed

值得去做 deserve to do(常用否定形式表示“不配”)

对某人苛刻be hard on…

既然now that

以...的形式in the form of…

比以前任何时候都than ever before

对某事生气 be angry at

即使even if

象 一样对待 treat *** like…

为 …而争吵 argue about

起因the cause of

在许多方面不同 differ in many ways

非常不合身 fit badly


极想 渴望做某事 be dying to do sth.

苗条迷人的身材 a slim and attractive figure

对……感到羞愧 be/feel ashamed of…..

从肝衰竭中恢复过来 recover from liver failure

含有有毒化学物质 contain harmful chemical

听从某人的劝告follow one’s advice

节制饮食 go/be on diets/a diet

偷偷买药片 buy the pills in secret(secretly)

对…..有副作用 he a side effect on….

发胖 put on /gain weight 减肥 lose weight

从长远角度看 in the long term

感到轻松 feel relaxed

事实上 as a matter of fact /in fact

立刻in no time /right now/right away/at once

保持健康 stay healthy/keep fit

每周三次 three times a week

导致肝脏衰竭 cause the liver to fail

损害你的健康damage your health

给….带来损伤,损害 do/cause damage to…

一个感人的故事 a touching story

偶然遇到 come across

适当饮食 eat properly

考虑服点药 consider taking some pills

冒险 take a risk /risks

有规律地锻炼 exercise regularly

吸收适量的卡路里 take in the correct number of calories

放弃运动give up on sport

使你为迎接第二天做好准备 prepare you for the day to come

提高你集中精力的能力increase your ability to concentrate

睡眠的缺乏会让你看起来疲劳 loss of sleep can make you look tired

锻炼 work out

大量的… a large /good amount of…

把…和…做比较 compare… with…

把…比做… compare…to…

和…比起来 compared with/to(在句中做状语)

加入俱乐部 join clubs

为..而不好意思,难为情;尴尬 be embarrassed about

很值得 be worth it

独自地,单独地 on one’s own

属于自己的 of one’s own

不再 not…any more / no longer

拒绝做.sth. refuse to do sth.




tales of the unexplained

充满神秘 full of mysteries

先进的科技advanced science and technology

偶遇run into/come across/meet by chance

相信未解之谜believe in unexplained things

某天(将来的) some day

做某事的理由 reason for doing sth

提前 in advance

加紧,促进 step up

寻找某人 search for ***

失踪 go missing

对…表现出极大的兴趣show a great interest in

由于 due to/because of

看见/目睹令人迷惑的光亮 sightings of puzzling lights

因为头疼 because of a headache

回家很晚 stay out late

出现;显露 show up

径直走到 go straight to

播放音乐 put on music

根据,依据 according to

拉开窗帘 pull back the curtains

感到害怕 feel/be frightened

排除可能性 rule out the possibility

负责这个案件 take charge of the case

令人信服的证据 convincing evidence

调查 look into

放弃 give up

取得巨大进步 make much /great progress

对……感到失望be disointed with

在某人身上做研究 do research on

发生在某人身上 hen to ***

失踪的男孩 a missing boy

准备睡觉 be ready for bed

做…..噩梦 he nightmares about

带走 take away

编故事 make up a story

做报告 make a speech

外太空 outer space

以/从……开始 begin/start with

以……为结束 close with/end up with

发射到太空 launch into space

没有生命的证据 no evidence of life

目前 so far

梦想;向往;渴望dream of

实行;执行;进行;完成;实现 carry out

实现 come true

分离出来 separate from

接收,拾起,学会pick sth.up;

抱起,搭载某人 pick ***.up

太空行走 take a space walk (take a walk in space )

在外太空 in outer space

脱下,起飞,休 take off

保护免受…… protect sth. From

提供 provide sth.

人类 human being

作为交换 作为回报in return

一个类人的野生动物 a wild man-like creature

据说……It is said that……

从山水上下来 come down from the mountains

袭击村民 attack villagers

一名美国登山者 an American mountain climber

在中国边界上on the Chinese side

追赶 run after

以惊人的速度和气力 at/ with amazing speed and strength

平均 on erage

14到18英尺长/宽 14 to 18 inches long/wide

开玩笑 play a joke

往前……,艰难前进 make one’s way to

继续活下去 live on

亲眼看到 see……with one’s own eyes

支持野人存在的实证 hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti

确信,相信 be/ become convinced


at dawn黎明

be published = come out出版

tower over 高耸;比…好

form the habit of 形成..的习惯

in the form of 以…形式

be surrounded by被…围绕

the surrounding environment 周边环境

jewel [C] jewellery [U]

go white-water rafting白浪漂流

make discoveries发现

up close靠近地

be well worth doing很值得做…

need to take a tent to sleep in

go trekking长途跋涉

regular flights

methods of transport运输方式

be home to是…的家园

be in perfect harmony with

heenly(adj.) world 天堂般的世界

at its mildest

consider a trip to考虑去…

a full/busy schedule 一个忙碌的日程

be schedule to do …做…

scare…away/off 吓跑…

scare *** into doing sth 恐吓某人做某事


change our world for the better 把我们的世界变得更好

win the prize/game 赢得比赛

start/run company 经营公司

make useful changes to 做出有用的改变

he an effect on 对……有影响

the world 世界上的人

during the lifetime 某人的一生

discover many amazing things 发现许多令人惊奇的东西

be curious about the world outside 对世界外的东西好奇

set sail for 起航去某地

search for 搜索

the preserve bodies 保存好的尸体

be known as 著名的

as well as 也,以及

empty the tomb 倒空了坟墓

right away 立即,马上

not long after the tomb had been opened 坟墓被打开不久后

upon entering the tomb 一进入坟墓就……

lead *** to sp 领导某人去某地

fall ill with a fever 因发烧而病倒

the light go out 灯熄灭了

hear of 听说

he a high fever 发烧

died of heart trouble 死于心脏病

shortly after 在……之后不久

he something to do with 与……有关系

live on 继续

the resting place of the dead 死人休息的地方

a scientific explanation 一个科学的解释

disturb the virus 扰乱了

breath in 吸收

result in 导致

protect from 保护……免受……

in advance 提前

base on 以……为基础

too general 太笼统

more specific 更具体

key words 重点词

go well 进展顺利

a great deal of 大量,许多

set foot on 在……上漫步

at full speed 以全速

fill with water 装满水

fail to do sth 做某事失败

make a note of 做笔记

pay attention to 对……注意

in a particular order 以一种特殊的次序

come first 放在前面

ly for 申请

encourage ***. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

catch the reader's attention 吸引读者的注意力

support your idea 支持你的观点

in space 在太空

talk of 谈到……

join the army 参军

be chosen as 被选为……

in control of 控制

go down 传下来

in history 历史上

manage to do the 成功做某事


declare war against…向……宣战

declare for/against赞成/反对

declare war on(+国名)向……国宣战

declare against ***./sth.宣称反对

declare for ***./sth.宣称支持

drive ***. crazy 使……发疯

be located in 位于

break out 爆发

lay down 躺下

fall down 掉下

break down 瓦解

As far as we are concerned…就我们而言

point out 指点

he a difficult time 处于困难时期

with the formation of 形成

timely support 及时的支援

be generally considered公认为

culture heritage 文化遗产

be buried alive 被活埋

turn/take to 转向,求助于

turn to 变成

turn to ***. for help 求助(救)于某人

turn to a dictionary(=look up the words in the dictionary)查字典

turn to ***.’s advice向某人征求意见

turn into=change into 变成

stepping stones 踏脚石

prepare oneself to do sth.准备做某事

go through 通过,仔细检查

a concerned citizen 一位担心的市民

a surprise attack 奇袭

distinguished guests 尊贵的客人

set up 设立,架起,创(记录)

set down 放下,记下,使着陆

set aside 留出,不顾,搁在一边

set fire to 放火

set out to do sth. 出发,开始做,启程

set about doing… 开始,着手做

set a good example to ***为某人树立个好榜样

give off 发出(蒸气,光等)

give in 投降,屈服,让步

give away 送掉,分发,泄露

take in 欺骗,吸引,吸收,接待

take away 使离开

take down 记下,取下

take up开始,从事,养成,占据(时间,空间)

take back 退回(某物),收回(所说的话)

take on 呈现,雇佣

take out 取出,拿出

take (sth.) over (form ***.)继承,接管

lead ***. in doing sth. 领导……做……

at any time 在任何时候

at a time 每一次

at one time 曾经

on one’s watch 站岗

lead ***. to sth. 导致某人某事

be suitable for 适合

rely on 依靠于,由于

call up 号召,召集,动员

in that case 如那样的话

in some cases 在一些情况下

cross out 删除

cross off 除去,取消

lee off 停止,不再穿

in for of 支持,赞成

in honor of 为了纪念,以……的名义

in praise of 赞美

in front of 在……(内部)前面

stand out 突出,明显

see off 送别

(lie) in ruins 成为废墟

fall into ruin 崩塌

come/go to ruin 毁灭,崩溃

the ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园遗迹

bring ***. to ruin 是某人破产

ruin one’s hopes 是某人希望破灭

catch ***. destroying… 抓住某人破坏……

do/cause damage 造成损失,损害

drive ***. mad 是某人发病

drive+n.+adv./adv.短语(地点状语) 开车送某人到……地方

drive +牲畜 驱赶……

be in good/poor condition处于好/坏的状况

on/upon condition that…在……条件下,设……(相当于as/so long as…)

on condition that+从句 在满足……的条件下

feed up 增加营养,养胖

feed…on… 以……喂……

feed…to… 把某物喂给某人或动物

feed…with… 用某物喂某人或动物

feed A with B=feed B to A 供……给……,输入

be fed up with=be tired of 厌烦

as concerns 关于

as/so far as… be concerned 关于,至于,就……而言

be concerned about 关心

be concerned over/at sth. 为某事忧虑

be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连

be concerned with 牵涉到,与……有关,参与

across the board全体人员都包括在内

get/come/go on board 上车/船/飞机

on the boards 当演员

(be) on the board在那块木板上,在委员会里

be in (the) majority拥有多数的

instead of 反而是

by means of 以……的方式

fight for 为……而斗争

fight against 与……作斗争

fight over 因……而打斗

influence on /over ***./sth.(对……的影响)

influence on ***/sth(产生影响的人或事物)

he influence on ***/sth对……有不良影响

return sth. to ***.把某物归还给某人

return +adv.或return+to/for+n.返回,回来

without return 无利润

in return (for sth.) 作为(某物)付款

return to 回到

in hospital 在住院

in battle 在战斗中

in common 共有

in prison 在监狱()

in order 井然有序

in dou 感到怀疑

in de 负债

in trouble 处于不幸(苦恼或困境)中

in store 储藏着,准备着

in general=generally 大体上

in peace=peacefully 平平安安地

in secret=secretly 秘密地

in surprise=surprisedly 惊奇地

in public=publicly 公开

in person=personally 亲自

in particular=particularly特别地

in place 在适当的位置,在通常的位置

in silent=silently 无声地

in turn 反过来

in reply 回答

be known as 被称作

be known for 因……而著名

be known to 为……所知

a live concert 现场直播音乐会

take it easy 别紧张

come to an end 结束

take office 上台,当权,执政



enter into 进入

Olympic Games奥运会

play a role/part in 在…起作用

se time节省时间

every four years 每四年

unmarried women 未婚妇女

long jump跳远

take part in参加

in honour of 为了纪念

side by side 肩并肩

win the goal medal赢得金牌

from around the world从世界各地

return to 回到

look forward to盼望着

would like to do sth.愿意做某事

feel proud感到自豪

public transportation 公共交通

be related to…有联系

dream team梦之队

be recognized as 被看作

compete for medal竞争奖牌

all the time一直

the whole of China全中国

join ***. in sth和某人一起做某事

take the first place获得冠军

dive into the water潜水

standards of service 服务标准

get into进入

look our for 当心,注意

a variety of 多种多样的

in the future在将来

go on to do sth.继续做某事

realize the dream实现梦想

host the Olympic 主办奥运会

live peacefully平静地生活

make a trel plan制定一个旅行

light the Olympic flame点燃奥运圣火

at the opening ceremony在开幕式上

share sth. With ***.和某人分享某物

make contributions to为…做出贡献

in one’s spare time在某人的空余时间

come to one’s attention引起某人的注意

break the world record打破世界记录

under a(n) name以一个…的名字

change to把…改成

do warm-up exercises 做热身训练

meet the requirement 符合要求

enter sth. into sth使某物进入某物

make way for 给…让路

keep under control 控制

maintain a balance of 维持…的平衡

make it possible for ***. to do sth.使的某人有可能做某事


Pass on 传递 give out 发出(气味,热等) upon(doing)sth. 一… 就

Put forward提出 close down关闭,使倒闭 take the risk of 冒…的危险

in reality在现实中 bring history alive再现历史 a tourist destination旅行目的地

add to 增添 a sense of achievement成就感 voice one’s opinions说出某人的看法

go bankrupt破产 sign one’s name签名 throughout the week 整个星期

make money赚钱 thousands of 成千上万的 set up创办,建立,创立

make a profit赢利 input words输入文字 be responsible for 对…负责

be on display在展出 come across发现,偶遇 on the journey to 在去…的旅途中

come true 实现 in my opinion 在我看来 be tred in 被困于

virtual reality虚拟现实 end in 以…而告终

at the moment 眼下,现在 be made of 由….制成

become used to 习惯于 be surprised at 对….感到惊讶

keep in touch with 与….保持联系 with the admiration of ***.赢得某人的敬意

in scientific studies在科学研究中 allow ***. to do sth.允许某人做某事

the popularity of ….的流行程度 be bored with对…感到厌烦

last but not least 最后但同样重要的是 be interested in 对…感到兴趣

be disointed by因…而失望 provide ***. with sth.给某人提供某物

score the winning goal踢进制胜球 play the role of 扮演…的角色

enable ***. to do 使某人做某事 at a speed of 以…的速度

be developed further 被进一步开发

lee ***. with a deep impression给某人留下深刻的印象

with the rapid development of 随着…的快速发展

take a virtual car trip做一次虚拟的汽车旅行

give ***. some information about 给某人关于…的一些信息


as well as 和,也 by the way 顺便 commit ***

even if 即使 get sth across传送 intend to do 打算做

do research研究 pay for 支付 work on 从事

in order to 为了,以便 put sth.together组织,汇集,组装

depend on 依赖,取决于 day and night整天,昼夜 come up with 发现

deal with处理,对付 play tricks on 捉弄 be popular with 受。。。欢迎

eal to 对…有吸引力 be aware of 知道,明白,意识到

be concerned with 对…关心 be used to doing sth. 习惯于

follow one’s advice纳某人的建议 over and over again反复地

lead a poor life过着贫穷的生活 trick ***. into doing诱使某人做某事

soft drink 软饮料 be satisfied with对….感到满意

be different from与…不同 serve the public为大众服务

fall for 上…的当


旅游英语怎么说trel读作:英 [?tr?vl]。


1、Her?trels?had taken her to every quarter of the globe.


2、Spacecraft he already?treled?to other planets.


3、One has to bear a little discomfort while?trelling.


4、He finds the new location of the?trelling?show.


5、When visiting london i like to?trel?by bus.










1、Snow Coach?冰原客车 ; 雪上客车 ; 雪地客车

2、Tourist Coach?观光客车 ; 游览车 ; 旅游客车 ; 旅游巴

例句:We?usually?go by?.?




例句:The interurban ride was too long.?












读法英 [kɑ?(r)]? 美 [kɑ?r]?

n. 汽车,轿车;<美>(火车的)车厢;(火车上作特殊用途的)车厢(如餐车、卧铺车厢);(电梯的)梯厢,(索道或气球的)吊舱;<文>战车


concept car?概念车 ; 概念汽车

mail car?[邮]?邮车 ;?[邮]?邮政车 ; 邮政汽车 ; 邮政

passenger car?[车辆]?轿车 ; 乘用车 ;?[车辆]?客车


car的基本意思是“汽车”,尤指私人小轿车,可以代替automobile,但不包括bus, taxi, truck及其他公共车辆,是可数名词。

car的另一个意思是“(火车)车厢”,the cars可作“一列火车”解。



1、bus公共汽车 ?jeep 吉普车 ? truck 卡车 ?saloon 轿车 ? ambulance 救护车

2、taxi 出租车, 计程车 ?roadster 敞蓬车 ?wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车

3、notchback 客货两用车 trailer 拖车 ? station wagon 小旅行车 compact car 小型汽车

4、light-van 小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车 ? automobile carrier 货运卡车


1. Key words: C - BUS , EPS, Illuminance, Glare, Uniformity. ?

关键词: C -BUS, EPS, 照度, 眩光, 均匀性,十二路智能继电器,智能主机,八场景智能面板开关.

2. According to M - BUS standard, M - BUS host computer interface circuit is designed and achieved reliable communication. ?

根据M -BUS 总线标准研制了M-BUS总线主机接口电路,达到了可靠通信的目的.

3. The M - BUS remote supply, topology and lication in heat meters are introduced.?


4. The LEC also intercepts broadcast packets and sends them to the BUS's ATM addresses.?


5. The facts prove that the photosensitive paste method is a good way for making BUS electrode.?


6. The bus is said to he over-turned and fallen into a rine. ?


7. I never go on the bus into the town. ?


8. I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop. ?


9. The bus is a 45-seater with air-con and videos. ?


10. For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council. ?


11. The three of them parted company at the bus stop. ?


12. You must be tuckered out after that bus trip across the country. ?


13. The bus was completely full, and lots of people were standing. ?


14. A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town. ?


15. Two hours on a bus is no joke, is it



1. Now and then they heard the roar of a hey truck. ?


2. The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley. ?


3. The truck lumbered across the parking lot toward the road. ?


4. The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads. ?


5. He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck. ?


标签: #某人

